for the love of a good story

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What is Storytelling?

We view telling stories orally as an art which all people possess to some degree, by virtue of possessing speech or access to its alternatives.

Accordingly, we acknowledge that storytelling can range from a hesitant recount of an anecdote over a family meal to a full blown solo concert performance requiring sustained preparation, and underpinned by great artistry and skill.

Accordingly, we acknowledge that storytelling can range from a hesitant recount of an anecdote over a family meal to a full blown solo concert performance requiring sustained preparation, and underpinned by great artistry and skill.

A floral embellishment

How do we vary?

As oral storytellers, we vary in:

  • the types of story we tell - folk tales, wisdom stories, crafted personal stories
  • our purposes when we tell - entertain, convey insight, express ourselves
  • the occasions and settings where we tell - regular story sharing meetings, concerts, festivals.
A plant with flowers in bloom

How do I join?

Membership with Storytelling Australia (SA) Inc is open to anyone who has an interest in oral storytelling, and/or listening to stories.

Check our membership page for more information.

A swirly floral branch

Tell your story...

... Or listen to ours